Even though the state of emergency has been extended, let’s believe that the covid-19 cases are slowing and we can overcome this challenging circumstances.
If the prime minister stops restricting the movement of people, most people will probably go out all at once, especially after the month-long extension of emergency declaration.
In order to prevent the spread of covid-19, we will keep doing the proper precautionary measures that we shared on our blog post on April 30th.
As the precautionary measures, we would like to keep distance from each other. Therefore we have to limit the number of customers at the same time. Also it may be difficult to make an appointment at the exact time you want to come or to change your appointment.
Even if you would like to make an appointment for after a termination of the state of emergency, please contact us in advance.
Lastly we can talk about your hairstyle or color via SNS or email before you come to the salon, to minimize the time you stay at the salon. We can cut or color your hair without a wash if you want.
麻布十番の美容室One WORLD です。
OneWORLD ではスタッフの体調チェック、換気、消毒、ソーシャルディスタンスを保ち、安心安全を第一に4月30日にアップデートしましたコロナウィルス対策を指標とし営業します。
ご希望のお客様には 来店前にメッセージ、電話、LINEでの事前コンサルテーションも可能になっております。
では、皆様 お気をつけてくれぐれもご無事でありますように。
Even though the state of emergency has been extended, let’s believe that the covid-19 cases are slowing and we can overcome this challenging circumstances.
If the prime minister stops restricting the movement of people, most people will probably go out all at once, especially after the month-long extension of emergency declaration.
In order to prevent the spread of covid-19, we will keep doing the proper precautionary measures that we shared on our blog post on April 30th.
As the precautionary measures, we would like to keep distance from each other. Therefore we have to limit the number of customers at the same time.
Also it may be difficult to make an appointment at the exact time you want to come or to change your appointment.
Even if you would like to make an appointment for after a termination of the state of emergency, please contact us in advance.
Lastly we can talk about your hairstyle or color via SNS or email before you come to the salon, to minimize the time you stay at the salon. We can cut or color your hair without a wash if you want.
Thank you
We are opening for a limited salon hours.
Please contact us!
Thank you.