Girls haircut


Hello everyone!


This is an international hairsalon OneWORLD in Azabujuban.


How are you doing today!?


We hope you are well !


Today, we would like to introduce the girl’s haircut!





We do kids cut as well!


Here’s the brief list of the prices!

0 – 5 years old ¥2500+tax(not included shampoo and dry)

6 -11years old ¥3500+tax(not included shampoo and dry)

12-15years old ¥4500+tax(included shampoo and styling)

16-18years old ¥5500+tax(included shampoo and styling)


0-11years old girls can get hair washed and styling  (+¥500 +tax)


We curl or straighten kids’ hair for a styling afterwards.


 Braided hair styles are popular among children.


If your girls want to get their hair done at OneWORLD, it would be a good opportunity for them.

Even the kids who haven’t gotten a haircut at a hair salon are welcomed;)

Any questions, please contact us!


We look forward to seeing you soon!




Weekday 平日 10:00~20:00
(Last Appointment 最終受付>>Cut 19:00, Color/Perm 18:00)

Saturday,Sunday,National Holidays 土日祝日 9:00 ~19:00
(Last appointment>>Cut 18:00,Color/Perm 17:00)



International Hair Salon
English Speaking


港区麻布十番2-8-3 DKNS麻布4F
Tel 03-6459-4354


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OneWORLD Instagram(NEW)  <<こちらも登録お願いします!


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